G7LFC shack


Almost all my operating during January 2018 was made from home in the evenings. The first contact was made on the 13th January and since then 181 contacts were made, which I think is a record for me. The vast majority of the contacts were made using the new FT8 digital mode using my Yaesu FT-1000MP HF transceiver. The antenna used for most of the contacts was the low and short random-long-wire due to this being a very windy month and not wanting to raise the vertical antenna on the mast.

Personal bests

In addition to the record number of stations worked in a month, I’ve worked a new country (Guernsey) and set another personal record this month by working stations in 126 locator squares worked. All of the squares were in Europe, the most northerly being JP88, the most westerly HM77, the most easterly KN94, KO91 and KO95 and the most southerly being IM76.

Maps showing locations of stations worked

The maps below show the Maidenhead locator squares worked this month. Thanks go to WG7J for his free GridMapper site that enables us to demonstrate, graphically, where we’ve worked stations.

Locations worked in northern Europe (HP, IP, JP and KP)

Amateur radio stations worked in large Maidenhead locator squares HP, IP, JP and KP Amateur radio stations worked in large Maidenhead locator squares HP, IP, JP and KP

Locations worked in central Europe (IO, JO, KO, IN, JN and KN)

Amateur radio stations worked in large Maidenhead locator squares IO, JO, KO, IN, JN and KN Amateur radio stations worked in large Maidenhead locator squares IO, JO, KO, IN, JN and KN

Locations worked in Southern Europe (IM, JM and KM)

Amateur radio stations worked in large Maidenhead locator squares IM, JM, KM Amateur radio stations worked in large Maidenhead locator squares IM, JM, KM