G7LFC 6,000th amateur radio contact - G7LFC.radio
G7LFC shack

G7LFC 6,000th amateur radio contact

That came around quick – 1,000 contacts have been added to the log in just over nine weeks.

This evening I made my 6,000th contact which takes me up to 1,700 contacts this year.

The big difference to my operating, and enjoyment of the hobby, has been the relatively new FT8 mode; it’s just totally addictive. Due to its ability to decode signals well below the noise floor I’ve been able to work stations I have never been able to before due to my restricted 30′ long-wire antenna mounted about 10′ – 12′ off the ground. However, this year I’ve checked off Japan, China and Western Sahara to name but a few. Stateside and Canadian contacts are now fairly common too.

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