G7LFC off to EMF Camp 2018 - G7LFC.radio
Electromagnetic Field Camp (EMF Camp)

G7LFC off to EMF Camp 2018

I, together with the rest of the Hughes clan (M6BUB, Rebecca; M6COV, Alison; M3LFC, David), are off to Electromagnetic Field Camp 2018 (EMF Camp 2018) at the beginning of September.

EMF Camp is a great festival of technology that will be held in the grounds of Eastnor Castle in the heart of the beautiful county of Herefordshire.

It is envisaged that around 1,800 amateur and professional technologists and makers will gather to share their skills, knowledge and, above all, their passion. It’s a great opportunity to try something new.

Rebecca and I attended EMF Camp 2016 and set up an installation entitled “Communicating around the world with using the Internet”. The installation demonstrated how computers can be linked together on different continents using nothing but a inexpensive wireless transceiver (transmitter and receiver combined in one box) and a great antenna from Wales that cost just over £100.

For 2018 we will be extending our installation to give folk an opportunity to use BBC Micro:bits for themselves to communicate wirelessly with other Micro:bits and devices in the vicinity.

We’ll let you have more details of where we’ll be on the camp when we have them.

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