Whilst we were away camping this summer relaxation came in the form of crafting for Alison and, for me, operating my portable amateur radio station with some remarkable results.

Whilst we were away camping this summer relaxation came in the form of crafting for Alison and, for me, operating my portable amateur radio station with some remarkable results.
In 1981 a tragedy hit the South West of Cornwall.
Alison and I have have just finished a marvelous two weeks (and a bit) in Cornwall (and Devon).
Derek, G7LFC, today climbed in to the top 10% of amateur radio operators around the globe taking part in the ARRL’s International Grid Chase.
That came around quick – 1,000 contacts have been added to the log in just over nine weeks.
Members of the Meirion Amateur Radio Society, Simon (MW0CSR), John (MW0VTK) and Derek (G7LFC), operated from Black Rock Sands on the 12th May) as SOS Radio Week stations.
Myself (G7LFC), M3LFC, and M6BUB will be exhibiting at Maker Faire UK on the 28/29th April in Newcastle.
There has been a noticeable downturn in HF propagation over the last few weeks
Interested in HF propagation? Not got a degree in astro-physics to be able to understand the complicated tables that accompany traditional predictions?
A momentous day – I made my 500th contact this evening (at last – phew!!).