GB6CCC amateur radio special event station - Christ Church Coventry
Christ Church Coventry - Interior

GB6CCC – Christ Church Coventry Churches on the Air Special Event Station

GB6CCC will be operating from Christ Church in Coventry between 10:00 and 16:00 on the 8th September 2018.

Fresh from running the GB8EMF special event station the previous weekend at Electromagnetic Field Camp (EMF Camp) in Herefordshire, GB6CCC, a Churches on the Air amateur radio special event station, will be manned by Derek (G7LFC), Alison (M6COV), Rebecca (M6BUB) and David (M3LFC) who worship at the church throughout the year when visiting family.

GB6CCC Equipment

GB6CCC - Christ Church Coventry
GB6CCC – Christ Church Coventry

The GB6CCC special event station will consist of a couple of transceivers running FT8 on the HF bands (Yaesu FT-857) and voice on the 2m VHF band (Kenwood TM-V71E).

Weather permitting, the HF antenna will be a sloping long-wire strung from the 75′ high tower. Should the weather prove to be not to amicable then the trusty Snowdonia Radio Company HF-360 vertical will be pressed in to service. Great success was had with this setup during EMF Camp.

Churches on the Air

Churches and Chapels on the Air (CHOTA) is an annual event organised by the World Association of Christian Radio Amateurs and Listeners (WACRAL). Churches from all over the world will be on the air to promote various buildings and fellowships.

Heritage Weekend

Churches on the Air also coincides with Heritage Weekend and the church will be open during the day for folk to come and view this most amazing church and climb the tower to see the sights.

Christ Church celebrates 60th Anniversary Year

GB6CCC - Christ Church Coventry alter
GB6CCC – Christ Church Coventry alter

2018 is a very special year for Christ Church in Coventry as it is its diamond anniversary having been officially opened in 1958.

The parish church of Cheylesmore was designed in 1953 by Alfred H Gardner to replace the previous building, located in the city centre, that was bombed to destruction during the April Blitz of 1941. Only the medieval tower, and spire atop it, survived and are still standing.

The ‘new’ Christ Church was officially opened in 1958 a couple of miles from the city centre and became the parish church of Cheylesmore. 

The whole design of the building, both inside and out, was heavily influenced by the Festival of Britain, a showcase of the best of British industry, arts and science with a view to promoting recovery after the heart of so many cities had been destroyed by Nazi bombers during World War 2 which had ended just six years earlier.

The modern design was a great departure from the norm in church design using large areas of glass and red brick, framed by concrete. The interior is as splendid to look at, if not more so than the exterior, with its lavish purple, gold and natural timber which was a rarity during this period. Many of the fixtures and fitting were conceived, or inspired, by renowned designers.

The building became Grade II Listed in 1998 in recognition of the uniqueness of the building. It really is quite spectacular and remains original in almost every detail. It really is worthy of a visit by anybody who appreciates fine design and architecture.

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